Monday, November 3, 2014

Isotopes by Maicel

Isotopes are atoms that are missing neutrons or have extra neutrons. Isotopes of the same element have the same number of protons, but a different number of neutrons. The reason the atomic mass shown on the periodic table is rarely an even number is because of isotopes. The atomic mass of an element shown on the periodic table is the average mass of the all the isotopes and the normal mass of that element. It is important to understand isotopes, especially Carbon-14. Carbon-14 is an isotope of Carbon (two extra neutrons) that is used in carbon dating. Isotopes do not last forever; eventually radioactive decay will come into play. Radioactive decay is when extra neutrons are lost over time.  Isotopes are important in understand the basic structure of the atoms nucleus because isotopes deal with neutrons. Isotopes are also important in science applications and technology because many isotopes are used in scientific research.

Question: Isotopes are a lot more common than we think. In what ways have you used isotopes not knowingly, and then realized it?

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