Thursday, April 23, 2015

Viruses by Michael

What is a virus? A virus is DNA or RNA enclosed in protein coat. They cannot grow, replicate or participate in respiration. To duplicate, they replicate their DNA or RNA. They require a host cell to be able to duplicate. They are almost always named after the disease they cause or the tissue they affect.

            The protein coat protects the DNA. This binds the protein to the cell. The protein then locks with the receptor on the cell. Viruses can only attach to certain cells because it’s like a key to a lock. The less specific a cell is, the harder it is to control the virus.

            To replicate means to copy exactly, but reproducing is to pass on traits, but not copy. This is usually sexual. They can replicate extremely fast and mutate at the same time, making it hard for vaccines to keep up.

            Viruses have a very unique shape. They are very complex, yet make themselves look so simple. Scientists are still in a debate over viruses being living or dead. What do you think, is a virus alive, or not?

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