Monday, May 18, 2015

Urban Sprawl by Michael

Urban Sprawl is the migration of a population from a high-density environment, to a low-density one. This migration usually happens when attraction for city living is lost and people desire “breathing room”. The problem with this concept is it is very common. So many people desire this breathing room that the rural area ironically become over-populated and become known as a suburban.

There are many problems associated with this suburban lifestyle. One problem is the utilization of land. When these rural areas are over-populated they require more land. The land they have to utilize is usually farmland. When there is a small amount of farmland available for use, there is a decrease in the amount of crops grown. When the supply of crops doesn’t match the demand, prices increase.

Another issue associated with urban sprawl is the environmental impact it has. When a lot of people move into a rural area in a small timeframe there isn’t any established public transportation. This lack of public transportation requires everyone to personally transport themselves. Not only does this clutter the roads and cause more traffic, but it also makes more exhaust fumes, which harm the environment.

There are a lot of suggested solutions to urban sprawl, but few of them have a big enough impact to make a difference. I believe that education is the best way to prevent urban sprawl. If the people knew about the cons of living in a suburban environment they would be less likely to live in one. Also, I believe it is important to maintain the urban areas and keep them attractive. If we do this, people will not get bored with the city and will be more likely to continue living in them.

The image below shows an example of urban sprawl:

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