Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Chemical Formulas by KZ

A chemical formula is a model of a chemical substance and states the type and number of atoms. The chemical formula uses symbols and numbers that represent the elements. In a chemical formula the symbol of the element is shown with a subscript that tells us the amount of atoms in the element. This topic is important to know and understand because it can convey certain information about the atomic composition of a substance. This makes it easier and more efficient to break down an element.

·         The invention of chemical formulas was based off of the “law of definite proportions”.
·         Oxidization numbers are used to write chemical formulas. The sum of the oxidization numbers in a compound needs to equal zero.
·         The chemical formula gives the formula weight and represents the percentages of elements in a compound.
·         Element symbols used in the periodic table are the same in a chemical formula.
·         There are three ways of representing chemical formulas which include molecular formulas, empirical formulas, and structural formulas.
o   Molecular Formula: They show the number of atoms in the molecules of a substance.
o   Empirical Formula: Only use letters and numbers showing atomic ratios.
o   Structural Formula: A graphic representation of the molecular structure that shows how the atoms are arranged.
·         Can you make a structural formula for any elements in your own way? Or is there a specific way to draw one?
·         How are you supposed to write out a chemical formula?

Example: In water, the chemical formula is H2O. Therefore, the H stands for “hydrogen”, the 2 stands for two hydrogen atoms, and the O stands for one oxygen atom.

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