Friday, December 19, 2014

Genetics by Michael

Genes are a huge part of heredity in living organisms. They are the molecules that form patterns and codes that translate to the physical traits that we receive from our parents. These physical features that are a product of heredity are called phenotypes. On the chromosomal level, your hereditary code is your genotype.

A genetic code can be thought of as a sentence. In the English language, a sentence is made up of words, and these words are made up of letters. In genetics, nucleotides are the letters. When put together they form “words” or genes. Cells read and translate these sentences of nucleotides to produce amino acid chains. These chains are proteins.

Interesting facts about genetics:

·         It takes about 8 hours for one of your cells to completely copy its DNA.
·         Human DNA is 98% identical to chimpanzee DNA
·         It would take 57 years to recite all of your ATCGs at 100 per minute.
·         If you stretched out the DNA from your 46 chromosomes in one cell, it would be over 2 yards long.
·         1 in 180 babies are born with a chromosome abnormality.

Why are genes important?

Without genes, everyone would be the same. There would be no uniqueness in the world. People would all look the same and have the features. Also, without genetics, there would be no evolution. If there was no way to change throughout generations, there would be no way for living organisms to evolve to their environment. 

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