Thursday, December 11, 2014

Mitosis and Cell Reproduction by Luke

Mitosis is the process of cell division. It is important to know about Mitosis because this is how the cells are replaced in your body. If cells didn’t go through mitosis organisms would not grow or heal. Mitosis has four phases, after all the phases are completed the cytokinesis takes place. Cytokinesis is when the two cells’ cytoplasm separates and they finally become two separate cells.

In a life of a cell Mitosis is a rather small part of their lives but some cells can go through mitosis for sixteen years. During the other parts of the cell’s life, the cell does its regular functions and prepares for mitosis by growing in size and creating DNA

Before Cytokinesis happens the cell must undergo the four phases. The first phase is Prophase, in Prophase the nuclear membrane dissolves and spindle fibers form. If you look at a cell in Prophase you can see the individual chromosomes.

The second phase is Metaphase. During Metaphase the original and the copied chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell. Once they line up the spindle fibers connect to the chromosomes. This step is crucial because the chromosomes must be even so that the new cell is not mutated.

The third phase is anaphase. When the cell goes through anaphase the centromeres holding the chromosomes together break apart. Then the chromatids move to opposite sides of the cell. This phase is when the cells basically start separating

Last but not least the cells must undergo Telophase. Telophase is the phase where the cells begin forming their own nuclear membrane, also the spindle fibers begin to break down and the chromosomes uncoil.

Before a cell starts mitosis the original cell checks to see if it is prepared to split, this ensures that a new cell is perfectly formed. Lets say that if a cell goes through mitosis incorrectly, what happens then? When a incorrectly cell is made, the bad cell multiplies itself many times. As an audience, try and figure out what can happen to an organism that has bad cells that constantly reproducing.

Mitosis is the most important key for cells to reproduce because if they go through a stage wrong bad things can happen, but if it goes through mitosis like it is suppose to do, the organism can grow and be successful.  

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