Friday, September 9, 2016

Newton's Laws by Demetri

Newton's three laws are laws that apply to everything in the universe at all times with absolutely no exceptions. They are very simple, and since they apply and have applied for all of our lives and then some, they aren't anything new and are just a way to classify what you already know. That being said, they are still important to know because they help us calculate the specifics.

Newton’s First Law or the Law of Inertia
            Newton's first law, sometimes called the Law of Inertia, states that an object in motion stays in motion until disrupted by an outside force, and an object at rest stays at rest until disrupted by an outside force. This means that if i threw something it wouldn't fly off into space, gravity for something. It also means that you won't just float off the end of the earth anytime soon. Its pretty easy to understand, but it is essential you take into account all the outside forces.

Newton’s Second Law
            Newton’s second law states that the greater the mass of an object the more force is required to accelerate it. This means that it is harder to accelerate bigger objects than smaller objects. Notice i said accelerate and not move. This means that a greater initial force is required, but once in motion the object with a larger mass will create a greater opposing force.

Newton's Third Law
            Newton's third law states that for every reaction there is an equal and opposite reaction. This means that if you push against a wall, the wall is going to push back. If the wall did not, then it would have just fallen over and wouldn't be contributing at all. The wall doesn't actually do anything, but the forces acting on the wall that keep it in place are able to push back to a certain extent, and when something pushes the wall hard enough it will just break or topple while still adhering to these laws.

These laws have always been in place, but only when Newton came around did they become a thing. This I think is the most amazing part of Newton's laws; how no one came up with them beforehand. They apply and have applied to us forever, and all Newton did was put them to words.

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