Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Newton’s Three Laws of Motion By Benjamin

Newton’s Three Laws of Motion are simple rules that show us how parts of our world work. Newton was sitting under an apple thinking on the forces of nature. An apple fell out of the tree and hit him on his head. Due to this it caused him to ask why the apple fell instead of floating away. He realized that if the apple fell, then something must be pulling it down. He called this force Gravity. This is very important for his laws of motion.

The above  is a depiction of how Einstein theorized that gravity worked. It has become the most prevalent theory on how gravity works. He theorized that gravity is caused when a object with huge amounts of mass caused space itself to fold in on itself. Not space like room in between objects but the actual fundamental element of our universe.

Now onto Newton’s Three Laws themselves.

Newton’s first law states, an object at rest will stay at rest unless acted upon by an outside force and an object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force.
Quite often this outside force is gravity which will cause moving objects to be pulled on to a surface where they cannot move. It will also cause objects at rest to be forced into motion by causing it to shift and fall.

Newton’s second law states, Force equals Mass times Acceleration. He put this in a mathematical formula Force=Mass*Acceleration. Gravity effects this because the force is ended when  gravity wins the battle and whatever object runs out of momentum. Drag plays a big part in Newton’s second law as well, drag slows the object bleeding the momentum from it causing it to stop instead of continuing in the way Newton’s first law states.

If Superman is flying forward by constantly  exerting 500  Newtons behind him and the hulk jumps at him with 400 Newtons of force,  right before they meet hulk punches Superman with a punch that accelerates at 89 meters a second. Assuming Hulk’s fist weighs 2 kg that means that the punch produced 178 Newtons on Impact. Who was moved by the punch?
Hulk would be repelled because Superman was constantly exerting force to fly while after his initial jump his large mass caused rapid deceleration meaning he would have less force upon impact.

Newton’s third law of motion says that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. This means that if you drop something it should hit the ground and bounce back to where it started before stopping. Gravity makes it appear as if this law does not work. Gravity constantly pulls an object down while the equal and opposite reaction does not have enough energy to resist the gravity unless the object is accelerated at the ground.

Newton’s Three Laws are good guidelines for scientist and even regular people to study the world around them. However Newton’s laws don’t work as well when they are applied to objects with small amounts of mass, large amounts of mass, or objects traveling a significant fraction of the speed of light. When these conditions are applied other laws take effect and change the way objects behave.

                My parting questions to you are if gravity is a force that attracts all matter together how is an atom made mostly of empty space and why don’t they collapse into themselves?

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