Thursday, April 9, 2015

Science Class Update

Physical Science
Ask you student how you can use knowledge of chemical reactions to remove tarnish from your silver without removing silver.

Advanced Biology
Come to the Senior Center dinner on April 28th to see the body system projects and experiments the advanced biology students have been working on!

Earth Science
I have been so impressed by the students in Earth Science, as they self-regulate and motivate each other to get their project done. There has been a lot of great collaboration and group dynamics. Tuesday they did an experiment on factors that affect the temperature of a biome (surface composition and cloud cover) and it was really exciting to see everyone recording their data and making observations.

Kitchen Biology
Now that we have learned all the ways to coax bacteria into food (think yogurt and pickles) we are going to flip the story and explore all the ways we can prevent bacteria and other microbes from taking up residence in our food. Can you think of ways your prevent food spoilage?

Biology has been learning about the scientific process through individual invertebrate field experiments.  We found some incredibly neat invertebrates and dug a lot of pit traps. Coming up: Dissecting marine invertebrates.

Today is test day for the torpedoes! Stay tuned for Patrick’s report on how the process went.

News in science:

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