Monday, February 27, 2017

Evolution by Darwin and Wallace by Molly

Think about this.
I'm going to explain the work that darwin and wallace both did, who do you think did the most work? Who deserves the credit for evolution?

Charles Darwin
    He was a naturalist
    Second youngest out of 6 kids
    Came from a long line of scientist
    Grew up wealthy
    Had lots of schooling

Alfred Russel Wallace
     Not very educated more self taught
     He didn't grow up in a wealthy family
     Did things on his own

More on Darwin
Darwin and his mentor went on a 5 year voyage that was going to send them around the world.
Darwin collected specimens from all around
The galapagos islands are what stuck out most to darwin.
When he got home we was looking over his finding and came up the the theory of evolution.  (finches)

More about Wallace
He went on an 8 year expedition in indonesia
He gathered over 100,000 animal bird and insect specimen
As soon as wallace figured out exactly how evolution he wrote it down on a 8-9 page paper, he sent it to darwin for a peer review.
In an earlier year wallace was bringing back superman and his boat caught fire.

Darwin and wallace came to the same conclusion about evolution.
They published a paper together on evolution.
Darwin published a book on the origin of species and wallace faded away.

My opinion
I find it interesting how they tried to do this together and it ended up being darwin taking a lot of the credit and wallace just stayed quiet while continuing his research.

"He Helped Discover Evolution, And Then Became Extinct." NPR. NPR, n.d. Web. 09 Feb. 2017.

"Charles Darwin." A&E Networks Television, 12 Feb. 2015. Web. 09 Feb. 2017.

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