Monday, May 15, 2017

Soil by Mikayla

Soil is the “natural medium of growth and land”. Soil is very important to our world whether we realize it or not. It helps grow the things we need and has been used forever.
There are three types of soil; clay, sand and silt. Clay is the smallest soil particle there is. Sand is the largest particle, and silt is right in the middle. In each types of these soils there are different layers. The first layer is topsoil, which is the upper part. The second layer is subsoil, which is right below topsoil and has clay that is more compact. The very last layer is bedrock, this is the hard rock beneath the surface

            I find it very interesting that certain crops grow in the certain types of soil. For example in light textured soil, things such as vegetables and corn can grow. But in loamy soil almost everything can grow good in it. I also find it amazing that the more structured the soi is, the better plants grow in it. For example structured soil allows more water intake, so plants do better with this soil. The last thing that I find most interesting is that if you want to fix soil so it has better qualities, you just need to leave it alone - it will fix itself. I would have thought that you would need to do a ton of things to it.

            My question to everyone is how can you help improve the soil?

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