Monday, November 3, 2014

Beginning of November

Physical Science

We just finished up a unit on work and simple machines, and starting on Wednesday we will be looking at energy and electricity. You might ask your student what sources of energy are around them.

Advanced Biology

The first annual Garden Valley Fall Research Conference went very well today. Students shared the results from their personal experiments, and there was a lively discussion about experimental techniques, real world applications, and poster design.  We will be starting on cellular reproduction next- also known as mitosis and meiosis.

Earth Science

We just started a unit on earthquake, and students will be trying to answer their own questions as the next two weeks progress….see if you can answer them yourself:

1.       How do earthquakes happen?
2.       What are fault lines?
3.       How do we detect and measure earthquakes?
4.       How often do earthquakes occur?
5.       How do we stay safe in an earthquake?
6.       Can we harness the energy of an earthquake?

Kitchen Chemistry

Students will be looking at the different chemicals that make up foods. The first stage will be looking at general classes of chemicals (carbohydrates, amino acids, lipids, etc) and the second stage each student will research a specific vitamin or mineral and see how it works in the human body.


We are finishing up our guide to Garden Valley- ask your student to see the rough draft!


Students are working on experimental design, and electron energy. Remind your student to bring in pine cones. Fir works fine as well.

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