Friday, November 7, 2014

Work and Machines by Mikayla

What interests you about work and machines?  Work is the transfer of energy that occurs when a force makes an object move. Work is important because it applies to a lot of things, like a machine. A machine is a device that makes doing work easier. Power is included in this because power is the amount of work done in one second, like if you and your friend push a box that weighs the same up an inclined plane both of you are doing the same amount of work but if you finish before your friend then you have more power.

     Input and output force are also applied to this, the output force is the force applied by the machine. The input force is the force applied to the machine. An example of input and output force is pulling a nail out of a board, you pulling the hammer back is the input force and the nail coming out is the output force. Efficiency is the measure of how much work put into a machine is changed into a useful output work by the machine. A few things about work and machines that I think are interesting are that there are many different machines that help reduce work. Another thing is that like an inclined plane isn't just a ramp like the definition said, it could also be a zigged zagged hill, or many other things.

This is a picture of a machine (a pulley), doing work. It is reducing the workload for the guy. The box isn’t as heavy if he has the machine to help.

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