Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Classification of Matter by Sophia

Classification of Matter

When classifying matter, you can classify it into two groups. One group is homogeneous mixtures and the other group is heterogeneous mixtures. Also when classifying substances, there is two groups. One group being elements and the other being compounds. According to Google, matter is “(in physics) that which occupies space and possesses rest mass, especially as distinct from energy”.  Matter does commonly exist in four states or phases; solid, liquid, gas, and plasma. Plasma is hardly found on Earth, yet it is very common in the universe. Most stars are made up of plasma. Apparently, matter gets confused with mass often. A car would be matter, because it occupies space, and has matter. The definition of matter is based on its physical and chemical setup. Matter is made up of what atoms and molecules are made up of. They are made of particles. As particles move in a gas, they begin to take up shape. When the temperature increases, the particles move faster, all because they begin to get more energy. In a solid, particles move slower because they are tightly packed into a certain space. In a liquid, particles have more energy, less dense, and can move freely, like in a gas. As the temperature of matter increases, the density of matter decreases. Matter goes into atoms, and atoms go into protons, neutrons, and electrons. Electrons are negative, protons are positive, and neutrons are neutral. My question is: What are everyday things we do that classify matter? Classification of matter is used everyday, whether inside a lab, or inside a home. 

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