Thursday, January 8, 2015

Questions to ask you students...

In Physical Science students have been learning how to classify matter. You might ask them what are different ways people classify the things around them- scientifically and in every-day wording.

In Advanced Biology students have been researching new bio technologies. These are often controversial subjects- ask you student what they are researching, and what their opinion is, based on the scientific evidence.

In Earth Science, we have been learning about meteorology, and as part of that, have been participating in the citizen science project called Old Weather that has people all around the world reading and transcribing shipping logs from the 1800 and early 1900s. Ask you student about what they have been reading in the logs, and how citizen science can help gather knowledge about our world.

In Kitchen Biology we have been studying the classification of food items, and we started with fungi. Everyone was very excited, and there were lots of great questions produced. Ask students what types of fungi are used as food, and what are used to produce food. Additionally, ask your student to explain the 3-source rule!

In Biology, we have been learning about the history of the Earth, and the exciting life forms that existed millions of years ago. Ask them about the time period they just researched, and how life was different back then.

In Chemistry we have been learning how to speak "Chemistrian" (thanks to Hank Green for the term). Students have been practicing how to form and name ionic bonds. We will be throwing polyatomic ions in the mix come Monday. Ask your student about science can be like learning a new language, and have them explain some of the rules of "Chemistrian."

Next week should see our first blog posts from students for the new year, so stay tuned!

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