Wednesday, November 16, 2016

The Centennial Lightbulb by Kiahna

The Centennial light bulb has been burning for 116 years!

~There is a wire on the inside and it is bent so that electricity can flow through throughout the lightbulb and make it glow brighter so it is not a line because it wouldn't shine as bright.
~The bulb burns at 4 watts. It still burns to this day.

~The Centennial light bulb is located at a fire station and the firefighters take shifts watching the build to see if it burns out.
The Centennial light bulbs name is Livermore’s Centennial light bulb.
~The man who created the light bulb is Adolphe A. Chaillet.
~The light bulb still burns today because it is a hand blown bulb and it has carbon filament.

~People even had a party for this light bulb which shows it is an important thing.

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