Thursday, November 10, 2016

The phases of cell division by Molly

We have been talking all about cell division and we just learned about all the different phases. There are 6 stages in cell division and it shows how it goes through the process slowly: Metaphase, anaphase, telophase, interphase, prophase, cytokinesis.
Interphase is where the cell spends most of its life, it gets ready mitosis and looks through its DNA.

prophase the nucleus goes away and you start seeing chromosomes together.

Metaphase shortest phase and the chromosomes are lined up in the middle

Anaphase sister chromatids split.

Telophase chromatids start to uncoil, spindle fibers break and the envelope appears.

Cytokinesis this is where the cells divide and become 2

I really have enjoyed going through all of this because I feel I am understanding about it. I’m also glad we are spending some time on it so we can all get it memorized. I find this really interesting and something to think about.(my question) is how do the sister chromatids stay together and what physically makes them let go of each other. 

The shape of the cell changes with the phases
You can see on the inside how things can develop and go away like the nucleus.
To me this is all just interesting because I love knowing what’s going on and this shows you how it’s all happening!! Seeing cells replicate is really cool! To me it’s like someone finding out that they are pregnant and seeing them grow a baby it’s just amazing and I love seeing how that works.

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