Thursday, December 1, 2016

Scientific Method by Martin

This week, we are studying the scientific method. The scientific method is a method of research in which a problem is identified, relevant data is gathered, a hypothesis is formulated from this data, and the hypothesis is tested. An easier way to define the scientific method is that it is a way for scientists to study and learn things. The scientific method wasn’t made by one person, it was made by a group of scientists. They wanted to find a way to make it easier to find the answer to the problem so they found the solution. Francis Bacon, Rene Descartes, and Isaac Newton all contributed and helped build the scientific method. They made it a good way to learn about science and nature.

This picture represents the step-by-step plan of the scientific method.

The scientific method is the cornerstone to modern science. Without this method, helping us finding the answers to our questions, we wouldn’t know half the knowledge we have today. The number of steps varies from one description to another, it’s usually when the data and the analysis are separated into two separate steps. The scientific method is a fairly standard list of 6 which you have to know for any science class you took, or you plan to take.

1.    Why is the scientific method important?
2.    What does the scientific method part of every science class?

3.    Why do we use it?

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