Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Whipped Cream By Brooklyn

   This week in science, we presented our projects we’ve been working on. My powerpoint was on the effect of natural preservatives in whipped cream. I tested the table life of two whip creams; one with lemon juice and one without.
            When you use natural preservatives, you are not using additives. Chemical preservatives use additives. Lemons, garlic, rock salt, and fermentation are all examples of natural preservatives.
            Preservatives help preserve food by preventing the growth of bacteria. They do this by keeping the cells from functioning the way they should. This is the most intriguing part to me.

      Naturally preserved foods can last up to 3-6 months.
     Salt has been used as a preservative for thousands of years.

     Lemon juice adds vitamin C to the foods. 

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