Monday, March 13, 2017

Cells by Santi

This week is biology we are learning about cells and the cell cycle. The main difference between animal and plant cells is that plant cells contain vacuoles, a cell wall, and chloroplasts.

Plant cells get their energy from sunlight, this process is called photosynthesis. The chloroplasts are what controls photosynthesis. These chloroplasts contain chlorophyll, which is what captures and absorbs the sunlight.

The cell wall in plant cells is made out of cellulose and adds more protection and stabilization to the cell.

The vacuoles main function is to control what comes in and out of a cell. They are also used for storing nutrients.

3 fun facts: All living things are made up of cells. Groups of cells can make tissues and organelle systems. Even the largest cell, is still too small to be seen with the human eye..

My question for y’all is what do you know or like about cells?

Cellular Respiration explanation made easy>>>>>

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