Monday, March 6, 2017

Evolution by Darell

Evolution is the change in species over time. Evolution must have a competition for survival, mutations, and reproducing organisms. This is important because it take variation to later develop into evolution and natural selection is where this variation comes from.

Natural Selection is the survival of the fittest. This means the most adapted or the organisms that are best fit, survive and pass on their genes to produce offspring with that same favored trait. After time this becomes a larger change and eventually a new species is created. The other way this can happen is through mutations, a simple favored mutation that is accepted and passed on can lead to a new species much faster through the same process.  Because of evolution, we have a variation in species and we are able to have diverse amount of organisms. People often debate whether or not evolution is a real or if it should be accepted by society. There is a large amount of proof to back this idea up. First is biochemistry, this shows that different species have common DNA and scientist are able to prove the relatedness of species based on that. Homology is another solid piece of evidence that goes to show that species originate from one another, the best example has to do with whales and bats. Humans have a arm/hand structure that is very specific, and yet whales and bats share that same structure. Although they are used for different things, they show that they developed from a similar being.  

Charles Darwin was the first to recognize and attempt to understand this process. He visited the galapagos islands and observed all the different types of finches and the different beaks they had. He began to realize that the beak shape, size, etc had a direct correlation with the habitat in which they lived. This intrigued him and he later founded his idea of “Evolution”. I find it interesting that organisms are able to develop overtime and change even though there is no “answer” to how the changes occur. I also find it interesting that birds that are so closely related and live in only slightly different environments would change overtime like that to develop different beaks and why this process was not discovered before. What do you think is the most important part of evolution?

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