Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Magnetism by Lydia

Topics covered in class
    Magnets are very useful because they can do so many things. They can help in medicine, around the house, and in everyday life. They can make lives more enjoyable. If someone is deaf they can get cochlear implants. They put magnets in your head behind your ears and then the hearing device sticks to them. There are machines that use magnets, Without those you would have to do the work yourself.

Interesting facts about Magnetics:
    Magnets are in almost everything laptops, refrigerators, phones, tv’s, ect.
    Magnets are used in everyday life. Most of the time you don't even realize it. Magnets are even used in things such as your speakers.
    Magnets are powerful enough to move things. They can move things like black sand, spoons, paper clips and really just any type of metal.

    What makes magnetic polar opposites attract?
    How is electromagnetism different from magnetism?
    Do all electric motors use magnets?
    Are there different types of Magnets?

This topic is important because magnets are so commonly used and so important in everyday life. If people didn't know about magnets we wouldn't have many of the luxuries that we have today. Magnets make life so much easier. For example; without magnets an electric mixer to mix cake, dough, cookie dough, anything like that would make it ten times harder because you would have to do it yourself. With magnets all you have to do is press a button.

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