Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Conifers by Shyenne

In Advanced Biology we studied conifers. Our class got to be botanists and sort out the different conifers. The project took about a full hour and we almost got all of them right. It was a pretty fun project though! There were all these different ones, you had your conifers, your Douglas firs, there was even a blue spruce in the batch.
            There are some cool things about being a botanist though. Like the fact that you get to sort things into different piles. Some might say that’s not cool or fun but to me it actually is. Another interesting thing about being a botanist is that you can take as much time as you want to feel, taste, smell, and even test to see which group or subgroup they go into. Maybe they are the same species but don’t look alike. Maybe they are different but you get to test this out and learn if they are or not.
            So I have a question. What do you think that the botanists are studying today or recent history?

            There are many different reasons for this topic (botanists) to be important. Botanist have to study species and be able to identify what they are. If they can’t then how can we tell where our future or past is going to go. Is our world changing at all or how as it changed? We can’t answer these questions without our botanists there to help us along the way.

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