Monday, February 9, 2015

Yeast by Abbey

  Yeast is a very interesting topic that, believe it or not, plays a pretty big role in our life. Yeast is eukaryotic microorganism in the Fungi kingdom. In class we have learned that we use yeast in more than we think. Yeast is such a reliable easy fungi to get to it is very helpful for us. Yeast is a lot more complex than you might think. For example, a sourdough starter can be made using just flour and water with some air. Crazy right!?
            Although there is a ton of different species of yeast found and discovered, there is three main different kinds of yeast. There is bakers yeast, this is used for fermenting and the yeast is alive. Brewers yeast is used for a food supplement it is dehydrated. Last is dead yeasts, it keeps its minerals but it is not able to make bread.
Interesting Facts-
     There are over 500 species of yeast
     Yeast may have asexual and sexual reproduction styles
     It is extremely hard to actually kill yeast

            Now that I have told you a few basics about yeast, ponder this question.. How do we use yeast in our everyday lives?

            Yeast is extremely helpful and beneficial. Yeast helps provide us with many options for food. It is used in baking and fermentation which provides humans with food. It helps us make dairy products, alcohol, and breads. Yeasts are also very common in the environment. Yeast is very hard to kill making it a great,easy source for reactions

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