Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Silver by Lydia

    In class we are covering different elements. I picked Silver because I think it is very interesting. Silver is used in many things you would not expect.
Three interesting facts (I did four.)
    Some interesting facts are; Silver is sustainable to water. If you drop it in
      water and/or leave it in the water for any period of time it will not get tarnished or rust. That is why when you wear a “sterling silver ring” it wont rust. Another interesting fact about silver is that it is one of the only elements that can “exist in its native state.” That means that silver can be found in nuggets or slivers, if you look in the right places. My third fact is silver is nontoxic to humans. We can eat it and nothing will happen. Sometimes they even have people eat silver to cure sicknesses. It can kill germs in your body. Last but not least, silver is one of the first five metals to be discovered. It has known to be around since ancient times. There have been things found that were made out of Silver before 4000 BC. Scientist believe it was first discovered around 5000 BC.
Questions to ponder
    If we didn’t have silver, what would people have used instead?
    What is the boiling point of silver?
    What is the atomic number of silver?
    What is the atomic mass of silver?
    How do people make things out of silver?
    Who first discovered silver?
Why is this topic important?

    This is important because it is one of the elements in our world. It can help you better understand the world around you. You notice how many things silver is in. Also it makes you start thinking about other elements. The better you understand our universe the better we can take care of it.

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