Thursday, March 12, 2015

Experiment Report by Shyenne

So this past week our class, kitchen chemistry, was doing independent experiments. Most of the people did experiments on yeast. Others were different and did fungus, fruits, or cocoa beans. Since yeast was the big topic, I am going to cover that. Some people tried to figure out a way to make bread sweeter by adding fruits, and sugar to the bread batter. Some were working on trying to figure out where the best spot is to place a sourdough starter, and it was the kitchen. When a student said that she placed a starter near the chemicals in the science room, and she stated that it went bad after the first day, was really cool. I did not think that it would change that fast but it did. Then I thought another good spot to place a sourdough starter would be in a place that was really humid like a greenhouse, or pump house, but it is not it went bad. Why do you think it went bad in the pump house?

So then we have the fungus, which did you know that fungus dies if left out in the open in the cold? That was pretty cool to learn. Then the fruit was cool because the apple, pear, strawberry, and an orange have all high acid levels. Lastly the cocoa bean, which melts quicker in hot water but it was no surprise that it did, and cocoa grows on a tree!

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