Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Experiments by Bryce

There were three experiments done demonstrated by presentations that intrigued me. The first was the effect of an environment on sourdough starters. This experiment was done by placing sourdough starters in a hot humid room, a fridge, and a kitchen counter. The experiment tested for the smell, texture, bubble count, and consistency. The results were as they expected to be. The hot humid room starter became nasty in aroma and had a thick consistency, with little amount of bubbles. The fridge had minimal growth with more of a thin consistency, not much of a smell difference, and small bubble count. The kitchen counter had much growth, with a smooth fairly easy consistency, and a rich sour smell like a sourdough starter should.

The second experiment done that was interesting was the effect of sourdough starters due to usage of liquid. The experiment was done by placing soda, milk, and orange juice in sourdough starters and seeing how they were affected. There was little effect on each of them because there was limited time due to complications on original experiment. In the small result changes present the soda started to kill the starter, the orange juice was making it the starter grow fairly well, and the milk made the starter barely have any growth.

The third and final experiment was the amount of mold that grows on bread when placed in different environments. The actual experiment didn’t work out because there was no mold that grew after two weeks of the bread being in a plastic bag in the sun and in the shade. This intrigued me because the experiment was done with store bought bread and I know there is preservatives in this bread. It makes me wonder how healthy these preservatives are for humans and also how long it would take the store bought bread to mold.

3 Facts About Topic:
1.    All of these experiments were done with full of intentions of working and only one of them showed results.
2.    Even without results from two of the experiments the presentations were well put together and still very informative.
3.    All of these presentations were helpful on becoming informed about bread and how different effects will change the bread or starter of bread.
Question for Public:
What would be the best way and place to make bread? Once the bread is made where would be the best place to store it?
Why Topic is Important:

This topic is important because it helps expand the knowledge of bread and how to properly take care of it and the starters to making sourdough bread. These experiments were able to show the place best applicable for sourdough starters and placement of bread.

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