Thursday, May 28, 2015

Resource Use by Spencer

The last subject our class learned about was resource use. The whole world depends on resources, some countries more than others. Some people use way to many nonrenewable resources, which could cause that particular resource to be depleted. Because of that some people are trying to conserve resources, or come up with alternatives. An example of this is, instead of using electricity to power a house; people might use solar panels on their roof.
      Using fossil fuels and natural gas/oil is bad because they are nonrenewable resources. It takes these resources over thousands of years to renew. We humans are using these resources way too much. At this rate we will run out of fossil fuels by around 2090.
As I said before the world is running out of resources, but there are many other alternatives that can help us slow down or even stop this problem. Solar panels, wind turbines and dams are all a better alternative. The world isn’t going to run out of sun, wind or water.
The most reliable alternative resource is solar panels. The use the sun as power. They convert the suns energy and use it to power homes or cities. Dams are very useful too. They use the flowing water to do the same thing that solar panels do. As you probably may have guessed, wind turbines use wind to get natural electricity. The only downfall to wind turbines is that wind doesn’t always blow, so they aren’t extremely reliable.
When it comes to food resources, the world isn’t lacking. What is lacking is the distribution of the food. I made a brochure on fish Idaho’s fish resource. People have started to over fish, so the only way we can stop that is by having fishing seasons and limits on how many fish you can catch.
Electric cars could become very useful in the near future. This way people use less gas (which is nonrenewable) and won’t pollute the air with exhaust. I think the best car to use is a hybrid car. Some of the time you use gas, but at other times you use electric power.

SO overall I think the world should start using solar panels, wind turbines, dams and even electric/hybrid cars to slow down the depletion of resources. This world is ours, so why shouldn’t we try to help save it.

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