Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Solubility by Summer

Solubility is the property of a solid, liquid or gaseous chemical substance. It is a solute that dissolves a solid liquid or gaseous solvent to form a solution of the solute in the solvent. Often the solvent is a liquid. It actually is how much solute can be dissolved in a liter of solvent. An example of solubility is like water and salt. If you keep putting large amounts of salt into water, the water won’t be able to dissolve all the salt. Solubility is sometimes expressed as a concentration. Solubility constants are used to describe saturated solutions.
A question to ponder is; How is solubility used in everyday life?

Solubility is important because if you didn’t know about it you use it all the time. To make coffee or hot chocolate. Everybody has used solubility. Solubility makes it so you don’t always have to drink water. You can use solubility everywhere. It is used in your food and in your drinks. 

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