Tuesday, September 20, 2016

First Experiment by Lydia

Do Pancakes Taste Better With Bacon in Them?
     For my blog post I will be talking about the experiments we did in class this week. We worked on creating our own experiments. Everyone got to create their own experiments, they had to have everything included in them. Things like procedure, and materials. After this process we got to vote on who's experiment we wanted to do. We picked the bacon pancakes. The question was, do pancakes taste better with bacon in them or without bacon in them?

     There were a lot of things that could change the outcome of the experiment. You had to have the same butter, syrup, pancake mix, and bacon. Having anything be different could change how you think the pancakes taste.
     What do you think could also change the outcome of the pancakes taste?
     Something I find most interesting about this topic is that there are so many different variables to this experiment. I also find it interesting that I liked the ones with bacon in them more too. I think this is interesting because I do not like bacon on its own, but with the pancakes I think it is good.

Three Neat Facts
     The bacon pancakes took longer to cook than the ones without bacon.
     Everyone liked the ones with bacon in them more than the ones without bacon.*

     The bacon pancakes were very hard to make because the bacon would separate the batter. 

*Note from Ms. Raino: This is not actually true. The majority of students liked the ones with bacon more, but there were a couple students who very definitely did not like the ones with bacon.

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