Friday, September 9, 2016

*Motion* by Wrenlie

This week we learned about Newton’s Three Laws of Motion. The first law is the law of inertia, which states that an object at rest stays at rest. The second law is F=M x A (Force=Mass x Acceleration. The Third law states that for every action there is an equal or opposite reaction.

                There are many other words explaining a movement like force. The definition of force is being made to move. Motion is the action or process of moving or being moved, and something that won’t stop unless stopped. Rest is an object that is motionless. What I found most interesting about this topic is that everything we do has something to do with Newton’s Three Laws.

1.       Newton first published his findings in the book “Principia Mathematica Philosophiae Naturalis” in 1687 explaining his three laws of motion.
2.       There are many types of motions, the two most common forces we all have experienced is gravity and magnetic forces.
3.       When going in a rollercoaster and you go upside down, a force called “Centripetal Force” is what keeps you from coming out of your seat.

How many types of forces are there?

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